(I must warn, as you can probably tell this is a most titillating tale so read on only if you are of appropriate age and mindset
-the management)
Alyssa moaned in ecstasy and sank her teeth into the side of his neck as they built to climax, and finally when she orgasmed, her back arched so sharply that it almost hurt. She couldn’t help but let out a low, relieved laugh as she enjoyed the last pulsing echoes of her climax and he relaxed against her, a happy smile on his face.
She curled closer to him, and he shifted
so that his weight was off of her and he could scoop her up in his powerful
arms. Alyssa smiled at him, and she gazed deeply at the face she had already
fully memorized: his high cheekbones and bright blue eyes, his thick russet
hair that was always messy and wild around his face, and the tiny crescent-shaped
scar above his left eye, the identically shaped mark on the back of his left
hand. She leaned foreward and gently kissed his lips, and the world around her
stuttered and froze.
She blinked wildly as her eyes opened and
she found herself in the sarcophagus once again as the Love Cage’s program
whirred to a stop and two technicians hurried over to her. She frowned
slightly, because even though she’d been in the Love Cages more often than not
for the last two months, she had only ever been greeted by one tech at a time
when she emerged. The younger of the two she recognized as he helped pull her into
a standing position, but the older one had a dark expression on his face as he
cleared his throat, “Ms. Nately, the management wants to speak with you.”
Alyssa balked slightly, and slid her hands
over her bare chest, feeling exposed for the first time since she’d started
visiting the Green Serpent, “What do they want? Is there some sort of problem?”
“Please, come with me.” he turned without
waiting for her to get dressed, and the younger tech passed her a robe with an
apologetic half-smile.
Alyssa hurried after the tech, only too
aware of how her large thighs slapped together noisily. They made their way up
to a room that overlooked the machine galleries beneath them, and when the tech
knocked on the door, a low, gravelly female voice behind it grumbled, “Come
The tech slide the corrugated metal door
aside and gestured that Alyssa should enter but made no move to follow. She
hurried in and the door slammed shut behind her, leaving her in a medium sized
room laden with a large, stained couch, silken rugs and an extremely feline
woman in pleather pants and a white robe who lounged with a pipe between her
Alyssa blushed as she became all-too-aware
of how huge and blubbery she looked in conjunction to the woman before her, how
her own swollen, droopy breasts looked like a sad parody of the tight, tiny cleavage
before her. The woman on the couch coughed and gestured for Alyssa to sit on a
stool near her that looked like it would buckle under her weight.
The large woman shook her head, “I’m okay
standing, thanks.”
“I am Ng Xia, I am the owner and
proprietor of all this.” Xia ignored Alyssa’s discomfort and gestured
magnanimously around her, “And you are Alyssa Nately, the daughter of the local
magistrate, is that right?”
She nodded, but looked at her toes, “I’m
not going to report you to him, if that’s what you are worried about.”
“No.” Xia’s perfect lips curled into a
smirk, “I figured you are too hooked on program X.11208 to be a danger to us. I
brought you up here to discuss something much more personal and immediately
impactful to your future.”
“What is that?”
“The fact that you do not have enough
credits to pay for the past session you just finished enjoying.”
Alyssa paled, and she stammered, “What? I
have enough…I paid before I got in the machine, like I always do!”
“Yes, well, unfortunately the cost has
increased, effective immediately.”
“What? This is outrageous!”
“There is a reason for the cost increase
that I must inform you of, and, since you were unaware of the change in policy,
we will let this sessions slide.” Alyssa’s heart both lifted in relief and sank
at the Xia’s tone. The madam lifted herself from the couch with the grace of a
panther and stroked the bowl of her pipe thoughtfully, “You, Ms. Nately, have
worn the program out.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You understand that these programs are
based on the harvested memories of living human brains? They do in fact have
finite life-spans and so the more they are used, the more frayed and unstable
they become. This is why the price has increased: the program X.11208 has
probably about four more sessions left in it before it is completely unusable.”
“But…” Alyssa’s eyes fogged over as she
struggled not to cry, “That means I’ll never see him again after…”
“That is correct, yes. I mean, the man is
out there somewhere, if you felt like actually going out and having a genuine
human interaction,” Xia’s eyes moved up and down Alyssa’s body like a grocer
looking at wares, “But that really isn’t your style… is it?”
Alyssa took a deep breath and hugged
herself tightly. Her sessions at the Green Serpent had been on the fore-front
of her mind for the past two months. She couldn’t sleep anymore, the desire for
the man in the program was too intense. Her father had attempted to set her up
with some of the cops on the force, but none of them measured up to the beauty
and intensity of the man she had only ever really met vicariously, and whose
vicarious penis was so much better and more fulfilling than any she’d ever
actually encountered.
She cleared her throat, but her voice
still sounded weak, even to her, “What can I do?”
“What I suggested before, or you could
look at some of our other programs.”
“Did you get any other memories from that
same donor?” Alyssa’s voice lilted with sudden hope, but she still couldn’t
meet Xia’s eyes.
“Yes, but none like that one, and no
others with that same man. Apparently, what you have been experiencing was a
‘One-Night-Stand.’” the old platitude sounded somehow obscene coming from Xia,
but that could also have been helped by the crude smirk she still wore.
Alyssa abruptly stood up and managed, “I’m
going now. I can’t…” she couldn’t get any more out, so she just stood
helplessly with a trembling chin and clenched fists.
Xia nodded and sat back down fluidly, “Negan,
the tech who brought you here, is waiting outside with your things. Feel free
to schedule another session, if you so choose.” The madam looked out the window
dismissively, and Alyssa instinctively knew that their conversation was over.
She hurried out the door and wordlessly
accepted her things from Negan, who soundlessly glided next to her as she
walked out like a smug ghost. It wasn’t until she’d walked a block that she
realized that she was still wearing nothing but the robe and she had cut her
bare feet on the gravel. She swore, and let some of the tears that had been
building behind her eyes spill out onto her hot cheeks.
“Excuse me?” a man’s voice, deep and
strangely familiar, sounded from over her left shoulder. She turned, and saw
the outline of a tall man obscured by her tears. She sniffled, and vaguely
wondered if the man was about to rape her and, if he did, if she could sell the
memory to Ng Xia in exchange for exclusive rights to program X. 11208, “Miss,
you dropped this.”
The man held out her shoe, and Alyssa’s
heart stopped for a moment when she realized that the man had a crescent-shaped
scar in the back of his hand. Her gaze snapped up and she blinked rapidly,
clearing her tears out of the way so that she could focus on the man’s face.
She knew immediately that it was him, it
was the man from the program. He had the same matching scar above his perfect
blue eyes, and his reddish hair was just as tousled as she remembered it. She
mutely stared at him and took her shoe as he smiled, just like she had seen so
many times before, and began to walk away, the white technician’s coat he wore
making everything so much more obvious. Ng Xia’s knowing smile meant so much
more now that Alyssa realized how the madam knew that this man existed: it was
obvious now that Alyssa could see that he worked for her.
Her heart leapt in her chest with joy,
reveling in the knowledge that he existed, that once the program was over, he
wouldn’t be gone forever. Alyssa watched him as he walked away for a few
seconds before she began to hurry after him, a huge grin on her face. Her joy
lasted almost four steps before she stopped dead, the horror of reality sinking
She was fat. She was ugly. She had nothing
to offer him in the real world. Alyssa wilted, her tears springing back into
her eyes as she watched him, her ultimate fantasy so close, and yet completely
unattainable. She glanced down at the tangle of clothes in her arms and,
clutched in her free hand, the shoe he had returned to her, and she was overwhelmed
with despair. Like every other man she had ever pursued, he would find someone
more beautiful, more elegant and lean and she would once more be alone without
even the program at the Green Serpent to fall back on. She sighed and began to
walk the short two blocks back to her house in silence, knowing that only
rejection waited for her with him.
And then it occurred to her, as she stared
down at the heavy shoe in her hands, that wasn’t her only alternative. A
strange thought took shape in her brain, and she realized that not only could
she have her fantasy, she could have as many as she wanted with him, whether he
wanted to or not. She started
after him, but froze dead as she realized that another technician who stood
only a short distance from her was silently watching. She realized that it was
Negan, and that he had been standing there for some time.
He smiled and said, “Madam Ng wanted me to
tell you that she won’t charge you for the use of her technician. Just submit
five memories every two weeks, and enjoy.” he turned and walked away, and it
wasn’t until he had disappeared into the darkness that Alyssa realized what he
was saying.
She turned and hurried after her quarry,
unable to wipe the broad, hungry smile from her face.
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