buildings shuddered as they began to collapse, the fire eating away at their
foundations quicker and cleaner than any termite. Main street was illuminated
as brightly as the noon sun, the light a much more beautiful amber than the
hated ball of plasma had ever produced, and it was enough to make Dinah tremble
from head to toe.
thralls had discovered a large holdout at the edge of town. Fifteen
firefighters had secreted away part of a kindergarten class as well as some of
the hospital staff that had narrowly escaped the culling of the town. They
hadn’t been hiding well enough, however, and now the apartment building that
they had managed to huddle together in was burning as merrily as a campfire.
doors to the front of the building had been left open, and Dinah stood outside
with the decaying mound of cells in her chest that had once been a heart
pumping stagnant blood loudly in her ears. Her toes and fingers tingled
intensely as she waited for her prey to flood out of the building like rats, and
she knew that she didn’t have long to wait. She could smell the blood of the
living being flooded with adrenaline and endorphins as they became more and
more aware of the hopelessness of their situation.
crash echoed through the night as one of the main supports inside fell to the
ground and the first man came charging out of the interior. He
had obviously been carefully chosen by the others to work as a decoy: he was at
least six foot eight and had the shoulders of a linebacker. He surged out of
the inferno wielding a fire axe, and he managed to cut the first thrall in half
vertically with a single chop. He would have been a much better distraction,
however, if it weren’t for two important factors: he had already been severely
burned over fifty percent of his body, and the nurse in charge of guiding the
children outside was only a second behind him.
waiting jaws of the ravenous thralls that had surged into the space that the
fire fighter had left immediately snatched up the lambs, and their struggle
lasted only seconds.
jaw fell open and she let out a long hiss of anticipation. Her demonic face was
illuminated hideously, and it was also the very last thing that the fire
fighter saw. The slight woman caught the downswing of the axe in her palm as
easily as she would swat away a fly, and her next blow was to his chest. The
burned skin parted, and Dinah’s long nails easily slashed through the
ventricles holding his heart in place. The
heart was still shuddering when she pulled it to her lips, and the stunned man
collapsed in paroxysms on the ground. Dinah let him pull her on top of him, and
she slid over his body like a lover to better lap up the rapidly leaking fluids
from his empty chest.
remaining hospital staff emerged, along with three children lucky enough to
have been too scared to follow their peers, and when they saw the slaughter
outside, those able to scream did so and the others began to stampede in every
direction. There was the sudden crack of gunfire and one of the anticipating
undead fell to the ground with a hole perfectly leveled between his eyes.
new, unpleasant scent stabbed into Dinah’s sinuses, and she snapped her head upright
just in time to see a familiar figure fall onto one of her minions like a fury,
his hands dismantling the creature as easily as taking apart a puzzle. The
thrall fell to the ground in pieces, and Roland stood above it, blood leaking
lazily from a hole in the perfect center of his forehead and his eyes
glittering in the fire light as brightly as a jackal’s.
swore as he carefully reloaded his tiny gun. He had managed to find some
cartridges on the body of a slain redneck, but he only had a few rounds left
and he was a moderate shot at best. His fingers twitched uncontrollably as he
tried to steady his breathing and ignore the cries of the illuminated demons
that had just turned their attention to him.
finally finished loading the magazine, the click of the metal against metal suddenly
transforming the weapon from a useless object into a deadly killing machine
gave him just enough courage to swing his eyes upwards and level the magnum at
the first of the thralls, which was barely two feet away. Just as Roland had
instructed, Steven aimed between the eyes, and the bullet flew true.
stood up slowly, her mouth quirking into an open, terrible smile and she
hissed, “I warned you. I told you to pick the winning side, Blutsauger.” The
cross on her ruined cheek stood out lividly as she grinned at him, and Roland’s
face twisted further into an indescribably expression of blood lust.
set a foot down on the fallen thrall’s chest and set a hand under the
creature’s jaw. With a single deft snap, her tore the bone free from the rest
of the head, even as he slung the baseball bat he carried across his shoulders
easily. The force necessary for this would have made Steven stop and stare in
horror had he not been busy mechanically cleaving skulls in half. Roland let loose a sound that no human
vocal chords had ever made and charged forward.
charged towards him, and when they collided, she managed to get the first hit.
Her fingers almost lovingly caressed Roland’s throat before the caught a
purchase and tore his throat clean out. The blow had meant to rip his head
clean off, but Roland merely caught her wrist and shoved her backwards, his
skin and trachea going with her. The bat, Lulu Belle, followed his hand, and
hit the side of her face hard enough to fracture her jaw
and part of her skull.
landed on all fours, her jaw hanging uselessly from her face, her open mouth
erupting with blood. Roland spat gore out of his mouth and the skin at his
throat made a strange stretching noise as it slowly began to regrow. Dinah
recovered faster. She manually swung her mandible back into place with a
hideous clack and scrabbled after him, her frail-looking body as twisted and
soft as a log of driftwood.
time, Roland threw himself backwards onto his haunches and let her sail over
him, his left fist punching upwards at the same time. He hit her in the chest,
and her rib cage buckled for a moment, just long enough to send her sprawling
to the side.
children and the four remaining orderlies and nurses regrouped a short distance
away, and Steven trotted after them, trying to manage the herd of hungry
thralls that followed. He emptied his clip, and when he reached into his pocket
for more bullets, he came up with only seven. He swore and dropped to one knee
to load them into the magazine, and the first of the thralls was on him.
creature’s teeth went straight for his neck, and Steven threw up his arm to
block. Teeth closed tightly around his forearm and the thing scissor bit at him
feverishly. Steven screamed, and one of the orderlies turned on his heel and
ran back, a tire iron held close in his hand. He brained the thing, and it fell
away just long enough for a second one to overpower the man and drive him to
the ground. Steven fought to remain conscious through the pain, and he managed
to get a hold of the tire iron.
Belle slammed against Dinah’s face again, and this time the bat shattered in
his hands. He balked in surprise as the woman-shaped thing howled in pain. She
charged forward and climbed up Roland’s chest like a ladder and perched with
her knees on either side of his neck so that she could scratch and rip at his
face. Roland pitched backwards and collapsed onto the street, but not before he
punched a hole through her midsection with a hand and tore loose her insides.
fell a short distance away from him, but as she stood up to charge him again,
she suddenly stopped dead, her ear tilted to the side like an attentive dog.
She finally let loose a low giggle and gave him a shrug, “Sadly, I’m going to
have to cut our fun short. My master calls.”
staggered to his feet but by the time that he was upright, Dinah was gone. The
rest of the thralls were surging towards Steven, and Roland let out a long
breath before he hefted the femur and willed himself to limp towards them,
tossing Lulu Belle’s mangled handle onto the street beside the other corpses.
split the first few heads that came into range, but the others just kept
coming. The pain from his savaged arm was nearly overpowering, but he gritted
his teeth and tried to avoid getting so distracted that he made a mistake. He
did anyway. He took a step
backwards and found himself ankle deep in the orderly that had tried to save
him, and that startling realization lowered his guard for half an instant. He collapsed backwards, and the thrall
closest to him charged onto him, pinning him to the ground.
braced himself as much as he could for being about to be rent asunder, and
suddenly the thrall froze dead, its entire body going rigid. It turned its
head, and Steven realized that all of the other creatures were cowering nearby
at the feet of Roland.
vampire stood tall, his face of horrible morass of seeping wounds, his lips
curled into an authoritative sneer. The thralls only let up for a moment, but
that was enough for Roland to finish them. In a matter of a minute, he had laid
out twelve ravenous creatures as if it were nothing.
stared up at him helplessly, “Wh… what the hell?”
shrugged, and gestured to the man’s arm, “You hurt?”
like that guy,” Steven pointed to the orderly and found himself wanting to
simultaneously scream, laugh and faint. The creature standing above him nodded,
and the blood from his bullet wound leaked down onto his lips. Steven shuddered,
“Uh…are you alright?”
smiled at him for an instant, but it only made Steven feel worse. No human
being should be up and walking with a bullet hole in their head, let alone one
with a bullet wound on top of fourteen other life-ending traumas. For want of
anything better to say, and because the man staring him down made him feel like
he was a small child hiding under the covers once again, Steven blurted out,
“I’m Steven…Dr. Yeats.”
the creature said coarsely, and Steven assumed that he was being told a name.
Roland staggered,
his strength almost too far gone to stand. He needed to feed, and soon, or else
there would be no more fights for him. He looked around carefully for any
survivors, but finding none, he shot Steven an apologetic look. The last thing
that Steven saw before he blacked out was Roland crouching over him with a
probably won’t want to watch this.”
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