woke up the way that he usually did after one of his blackouts: on a rooftop,
naked, and covered in blood. He closed his eyes again and groaned, the strange,
beating ulcer of a conscience deep inside his brain throbbing slightly as he
looked at the human remains surrounding him.
was lucky: the sun had only barely started to peep over the rooftops of the
high rises around him, and even though he was deeply uncomfortable, he at least
wasn’t dead. Tim stood up, and his ancient vertebrae ground together and
creaked despite the taut, young skin stretched over them, the dawn painting his
flesh the color of bruises and corpse tissue.
surveyed the damage around him and found his stained, splattered pants long
enough to fish a cell phone out of the pocket and hit speed dial, his voice
cracked and dry when he growled into the line, “Achan, it’s me. I need a
cleanup on the roof. Yes, our roof,
by the helipad. And clothes, I need clothes. Hurry, the sun is nearly up.”
was a long breath on the line and Achan’s prim yet disapproving voice answered,
“Again, sir? Really, Timaeus, I
thought we were past this.”
again.” Tim snapped, “And hurry!”
kind of cleanup are we looking at? Ten? Twenty sets of remains?”
Tim looked around and did a quick count of the stripped, desiccated skulls
lying in the piles of red sludge, “I count roughly four.”
at least you are improving.” Achan sniffed, “I’m on my way.”
severed the connection and sat down under one of the large utility pipes,
hoping that the shade would at least help with the ever-approaching sunrise.
picked an ancient doctor’s satchel as he hurried out of his apartment and
towards the elevator. None of what was in the leather bag would have been
necessary a hundred years ago. Occasionally, Timaeus would unwittingly bite a
victim full of laudanum and he would pay a terrible price for a few days.
Hallucinations, tremors, and memory loss were as bad as the symptoms got. Now,
it seemed to Achan, that Timaeus was singling out victims who he knew had drug
and alcohol tainted blood.
He adjusted his
tie as he got to the door to the roof and slid the deadbolt open. He hurried
out onto the concrete and hissed slightly as he felt the weak dawn rays touch
his face. Like all revenants, when the rays of the sun illuminated him without
their full force, his beautiful face transformed to mirror his true age. His
carved jaw, piercing eyes and sensual lips suddenly became twisted, desiccated
and grotesque, his long, lapping tongue protruding from the gaps in his cheeks
like a maggot.
staggered towards Timaeus and grasped his hand with his twisted claws. Tim, who
was already looking like one of the fresher displays at the Smithsonian, let
his assistant pull him to his feet and hobbled after him into the safety of the
open doorway. They collapsed inside, both of them panting from the draining power
of the sun.
glared at him once he’d caught his breath, “You couldn’t have opened the door
on your own?”
was locked.” the look that Achan shot him could have curdled milk, “The last
thing we need is me ripping it off its hinges.”
the last thing we need is you dying from stubbornness. We need that just a
little less than we need you performing highly public murders on the roof of
one of the most frequently visited buildings in New York.” he scowled and
looked at the door behind them, “We can’t get rid of those bodies now, the sun
is too high…and since we’re a relatively short building, the office workers
around up might start to wonder why our roof is bright red…”
slid his hand across his mouth and winced when it came back bright red, “And I
was doing so well…”
months is a good start,” Achan pointed to a pile of clothes that was neatly
folded on the landing, “I figure you don’t want to walk into your staff meeting
looking like Lady Godiva.”
smiled slightly and picked up the bundle, “I never could ride a horse anyway.”
meeting starts in twenty minutes,” Achan gestured to the gore smeared across
Tim’s face, “You may want to clean that off.”
The day only
improved when Tim returned from his meeting with the majority shareholders of
his Fortune 500 Company and found that his receptionist was dead. It wasn’t so
much a shock as a supreme inconvenience, and he shook his head with muted anger
as he pushed open the office door and found the absolute last person that he was
expecting leaning against his desk.
The woman was
incredibly beautiful, so much so that Timaeus immediately identified her as one
of his kind. She was tall and slender without losing her curves, her eyes large
and so brown hat they almost looked dark red, and her long, jet hair was pulled
into thousands of tiny dreadlocks so perfectly maintained that they almost
looked like scales. Her grey business suit was immaculately pressed and
tailored to show off her figure without showing any skin, and if it weren’t for
the necklace of jagged bones around her neck and the metal tribal bands worked
into her tresses, she would have looked no different from any of the members of
the staff meeting that Timaeus had just left.
She smiled at him
winningly and extended a hand, a dark tattoo on her wrist marking her as one of
the Ge-Rouge clan of vampires from the New Orleans region, “I invoke sanctuary
in the name of the Blood Pact.” her voice was low and melodic, and heavily
scowled and nodded, more from duty than from desire, “Agreed. I grant
sanctuary, but only long enough to talk.” he added the last part sternly. This
woman was far out of her territory, deep in the region controlled by his own
clan, a group of revenants that had been affectionately dubbed the “White
Collars” by the other vampires. Normally,
any revenant that strayed from his or her own territory was killed on sight,
but Timaeus was intrigued by this particular vampire’s brazenness.
woman nodded her appreciation as Tim shook her hand, “You are Timaeus, second
in command of the White Collars, am I correct?”
And you are?”
am called Ixchel, and I am the second in command of the Ge-Rouge.” She
retracted her hand and pulled an envelope out of her pocket, “I was sent here to
give you this. It is quite urgent.”
enough to send someone as high-up as you?” Timaeus asked as he hesitantly took
the envelope.
Ol’ Papa is inviting you to a meeting,” Ixchel dropped her smile, “You and
other vampire leaders have been asked to assemble.”
opened the envelope and pulled out a blank piece of paper. He held it expertly
in his right hand and wafted it under his nose a few times, the faint traces of
blood spore smeared onto the fibers telling him all he needed to know.
let out a long breath and rubbed his temples, “This is about that damned fool
and his killing spree, is it not?”
is. The ‘damned fool’ in question is known as Zuriel, and he is a self-proclaimed
prophet and the leader of a group called the Choir of Zuriel. He’s been getting
more and more careless with his kills, and he needs to be put down.”
Ol’ Papa wants us all to meet up? Sounds like a perfect way to kills us all at
me, that thought has occurred to him.”
why cal this meeting in the first place?”
didn’t.” Ixchel shook her head, “It was a courier who called it…a courier from
the old world.”
courier?” Tim’s ears pricked with interest, “That’s impossible. Our kind can’t
cross the oceans.”
this one did. Apparently, it is urgent.”
She brushed passed
him towards the door and Timeaus cleared his throat, “So, why did you feel the
need to kill my receptionist?”
Ixchel smiled over
her shoulder at him before she sauntered out the door, “She was being very
short with me. I did you a favor.”
Timaeus snorted to
himself, and shook his head, “Now that’s just plain rude.”
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